Monday, February 3, 2020

Noesis updated! Improved compatibility and new features for FFXI

Rich Whitehouse, the creator of Noesis, has recently decided to make some improvements to the program's compatibility with FFXI when users told him that Square-Enix's new game client was crashing Noesis. While Rich was fixing the problem, he added support for FFXI's bump maps, along with a new advanced command (-ff11hton #) to automatically convert those bump maps into normal maps that can be used by modern engines, such as Unity and/or Unreal Engine 4. Make sure to update your Noesis client to the latest version (v4.4191) to get these new features!
New Advanced Commands for FFXI in Noesis version 4.4191:

FF11 Model/Data:

-ff11bumpdir <arg>specify directory for bump textures.
-ff11hton <arg>convert height to normal maps, arg=z factor.
-ff11nolodchangedon't try to switch to lod0.
-ff11mapbonescreate bones for map objects.
-ff11keepnames <arg>1=keep map object names, 2=w/index prefix, 3=w/subobj.
-ff11noshinyno special assignment for shiny materials.